Mission statement
The Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society’s mission is to preserve Hungarian culture and the history of Hungarians in Northeast Ohio, so that present and future generations can draw upon its collection for education, inspiration and enrichment. To carry out its mission, the Society sponsors educational and research activities, and operates a museum and library as a repository and exhibition center for Hungarian historical, literary and artistic items.
Saturday, February 8th program cancelled due to weather advisory. Moved to Saturday, February 15th
The Museum is open to visitors on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 11-3. If you would like to visit us on another day when we are not open, you can make an appointment by writing a message to our email address, museum@clevelandhungarianmuseum.org, and we will answer your email and arrange for your visit. Please give us at least a 4 day notice! Once again winter is coming to Northeast Ohio! Our Museum is staffed by volunteers, and if the weather causes dangerous driving conditions, we are often closed. Please call the Museum after 11 o'clock to verify that someone is present and the Museum is open.
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant by the Hungarian Government through the Bethlen Gábor Fund Management, in support of our efforts to share with the greater community our Hungarian culture and history and the Hungarian immigrant story of Northeast, Ohio.
The first program of the 2025 Program Series features romance and literature! Join us on Saturday, February 8th at 2 pm. The Museum will open at 12 noon that day.
February's program features romance and literature!
Please join us on Saturday, February 8th, at 2 p, at the Hungarian Museum for the first of our 2025 Spring programs!
Our presenter will be Dr. Márta Perszlényi Pintér, Professor in the Classical and Modern Languages Department of John Carroll University.
Love! From blissful heights of joy to the depths of longing, melancholy, heartache, and despair, love can consume and torment the soul! Romantic love themes in literature cross all borders, cultures, and genres, painting a myriad tableau of human emotion that everyone experiences in some form, at some time or another. Love in Hungarian literature beautifully conveys this intensity of universal emotions. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, come and delve into the world of Hungarian love literature. In the context of universal themes, explore its unique qualities while showcasing some notable examples. This lively and interesting talk will be given in English. Bring your sweetheart and enjoy it together or come alone and catch up on some delightful phrases to share with those you love!
Read more...Folk dancers from Hungary visit our Museum
On October 25th, Friday afternoon, members of the Angyalföldi Vadrózsa folk dance group visited our Museum. They came to Cleveland as part of a multi-city tour, and performed at John Carroll University on Saturday evening, October 26th, as part of the 40th anniversary celebration of the Bocskai Radio program.They were beyond outstanding, mesmerizing everyone with their energy, beautiful technique and amazing choreography.
It was a magyar cultural treat! The members of this group were gracious visitors to our Museum, and their comments written in our guest book are a testament that our efforts to showcase our culture and Cleveland’s Hungarian community are a worthwhile mission.
We invite all our readers to visit our Museum in order that you can experience the wonders of Hungarian culture and the history of the Northeast Ohio Hungarian community.
What a wonderful evening supporting the mission of the Hungarian Museum!!!
Friday evening, October 11, was a wonderful evening for those who attended the Vintner Dinner. The Vintner Dinner is the primary fundraising event for our Museum, and it has become the primary opportunity to taste fine Hungarian wines that are not available in the wine stores around the Cleveland area.
Our Honoree this year was Mr. George Pogan, who has served our Hungarian community in many ways. George was instrumental in having Hungarian Night included on the schedule of the Chagrin Documentary Film Fest. Every year our community has the opportunity to see quality documentary films created and directed by talented Hungarian film makers. Our Vintner Dinner was well-attended, the dinner provided by St. Michael's Woodside Event Center was delicious, the music provided by Harmonia was a treat for our ears, and our MC was his usual gracious and humorous self! But most importantly, our guests were having a wonderful time and lavished us with their support for our raffle, and applause for our wines. We hope to repeat this successful event next year. Stay tuned!!
Read more...Recent Posts
- February’s program features romance and literature!
- September’s program was well-received
- Folk dancers from Hungary visit our Museum
- What a wonderful evening supporting the mission of the Hungarian Museum!!!
- Hungarian School Field Trip
- Middle school students visit the Museum.
- Join us for the “Great American Pastime” with a Hungarian flavor!
- May’s program on the history of Hungarian Theater was excellent!
- On Saturday May 11th, our Spring Hungarian language program will concentrate on theater life in Budapest.
We have launched our Online Collections Catalog
and we are excited to share them with the world!
You can see the many wonderful items that have been entrusted into our care ** no matter where you are **
Click here to visit the Museum’s exciting new resource! There’s a lot more to come, so check back often!!
In February, 2020, the Museum received a grant from the Ohio History Connection, which allowed us to purchase software that will enhance our ability to catalog our collection, and incorporate donor and support information into one database. As a recipient organization, we are please to announce that this project is made possible in part by the Ohio History Fund, a grant program of the Ohio History Connection. The Ohio History Fund is made possible by voluntary donations of state income tax refunds, sales of Ohio History “mastodon” license plates, and other donations.