Archive | Children’s Corner

Children’s Christmas Program

2015 Children’s Program Twenty-six children gathered at the Cleveland Hungarian Museum for its Annual Children’s program. The theme for the program this year was folktales and folk instruments. The children and the accompanying adults were able to hear some old favorite Hungarian folktales, as well as listen to the Hungarian furulya, citera and violin. The […]

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Arpad-pajzsra 2

Árpád is elected Chief

The story of how the ancient Magyars came to settle in the Carpathian Basin begins with Árpád, the most famous of all the ancient Magyar Chiefs. Árpád’s story is exciting and gives us a glimpse into the customs and lives of the Magyar people in the 9th century. The story begins during peacetime…..Lehel, one of […]

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2014 Children’s Program

Mikulás Bácsi visited the Hungarian Museum at the Galleria on a December  Saturday afternoon, and to the delight of 27 children, he passed out treats all the while talking with each one, asking them their name and encouraging them to talk about themselves a bit. Before Mikulás Bácsi arrived for his visit, the children saw a traditional […]

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