Author Archive | Andy Meszaros


Middle school students visit the Museum.

On July 17th, members of our Board, our curator and our librarian, along with some gracious volunteers, welcomed some special guests to our Museum. As Eva Szabo reported to our Board, “we had the good fortune to see 18 middle school members, some counselors and two adult teachers from the Western Reserve Academy in Hudson. […]

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Soccer at the Museum

On Saturday afternoon, March 9th, Dr. John Gyékényesi gave a wonderful talk on how soccer developed locally in Cleveland starting in the 1950s. He described how soccer in Ohio became a force in the American soccer arena, and how the game was such a big part of Hungarian recreational life for both youth and adults […]

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Remembering 1848, the Minacs Collection

The Museum has a wonderful exhibit on display where one can browse among historical material, including newspaper articles, pictures, postcards, medals and other 1848 memorabilia. A truly one-of-kind collection, this exhibit offers the visitor a closer look at the men who had a role in the Revolution as well as contemporary items that bring the […]

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Saying farewell to our founder….

How do you say good-bye to someone who breathed life into a dream, and that dream became the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum? How do we say “Isten Veled Ottó”, when what we really want to say is “wish you were still here”?  Our beloved founder, Otto Friedrich, passed away this year on February 13th, on […]

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Linguistics for everyone! February’s program was outstanding!

In February, we celebrate International Mother Language Day.  In celebration of this day, we heard a lecture by a distinguished Hungarian linguist, Dr. Krisztina Fehér.  She presented the results of her research about children’s perception of regional dialects of Hungarian.  A regional dialect is a variety of a language spoken in a particular geographical area. The common perception is that regional dialects […]

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Saturday, March 9: Soccer with a Hungarian twist!!

We invite you to join us for the second program in our 2024 Program Series which will be held on Saturday, March 9, at 2 o’clock at the Hungarian Museum. Title: “Soccer is Your Game for Life”, A Hungarian Immigrant’s Contributions to US Soccer, presented by John P. Gyékényesi, PhD. Dr. John Gyékényesi is a distinguished […]

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Krisztina feher

Programming starts up again, hope to see you in February!

We invite you to join us for the first program in our 2024 Program Series which will be held on Saturday, February 10, at 2 o’clock at the Hungarian Museum. Title: Regional dialects of Hungarian:  How are they perceived by children? Presented by Dr. Krisztina Fehér In February, we celebrate International Mother Language Day.  In celebration of […]

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