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February’s program features romance and literature!

Please join us on Saturday, February 8th, at 2 p, at the Hungarian Museum for the first of our 2025 Spring programs! Our presenter will be Dr. Márta Perszlényi Pintér, Professor in the Classical and Modern Languages Department of John Carroll University. Love! From blissful heights of joy to the depths of longing, melancholy, heartache, […]

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Saturday, March 9: Soccer with a Hungarian twist!!

We invite you to join us for the second program in our 2024 Program Series which will be held on Saturday, March 9, at 2 o’clock at the Hungarian Museum. Title: “Soccer is Your Game for Life”, A Hungarian Immigrant’s Contributions to US Soccer, presented by John P. Gyékényesi, PhD. Dr. John Gyékényesi is a distinguished […]

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Krisztina feher

Programming starts up again, hope to see you in February!

We invite you to join us for the first program in our 2024 Program Series which will be held on Saturday, February 10, at 2 o’clock at the Hungarian Museum. Title: Regional dialects of Hungarian:  How are they perceived by children? Presented by Dr. Krisztina Fehér In February, we celebrate International Mother Language Day.  In celebration of […]

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The Art of Evelyn Domján, a Visual Feast For Your Eyes!

On Saturday afternoon, September 9th, we gathered at the Museum for the opening of an amazing exhibit featuring the creative artwork of Evelyn Domján. It was a wonderful event, featuring George Kozmon’s in-person conversation with Michael Domján, Evelyn’s son, who joined us via Zoom from Austin, Texas. The story of Evelyn Domján and her husband Joseph came […]

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Ünnepeljük Petőfi Sándor születésének 200 éves évfordulóját!

Kedves Clevelandi Barátok! Szeretettel várunk a Clevelandi Magyar Múzeumba egy magyar nyelvű irodalmi délutánra, szombaton, május 13-án. Akkor ünnepeljük Petőfi Sándor születésének 200 éves évfordulóját! Programunk Nt. Tamásy Évának ismertetőjével kezdődik. Majd azután vendégeinket megkérjük, hogy kedvenc Petőfi versüket összák meg velünk. Közben egy kis kávét és süteményt is lehet fogyasztani, majd hazatérhetünk egy Petőfi […]

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October 8: Getting to know members of our community with rich and interesting family histories and their connections to Hungary.

October 8: Getting to know members of our community with rich and interesting family histories and their connections to Hungary.

Dear Friends of the Museum! We invite you to join us for an IN PERSON program at the Hungarian Museum on Saturday, October 8th at 2 o’clock. We have invited five members of our local Hungarian-American community to share the story that formed their  Hungarian identity. Some of the questions they may discuss include: What […]

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