Archive | Announcements

Angyalföldi Vadrózsa

Folk dancers from Hungary visit our Museum

On October 25th, Friday afternoon, members of the Angyalföldi Vadrózsa folk dance group visited our Museum. They came to Cleveland as part of a multi-city tour, and performed at John Carroll University on Saturday evening, October 26th, as part of the 40th anniversary celebration of the Bocskai Radio program.They were beyond outstanding, mesmerizing everyone with their energy, […]

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Middle school students visit the Museum.

On July 17th, members of our Board, our curator and our librarian, along with some gracious volunteers, welcomed some special guests to our Museum. As Eva Szabo reported to our Board, “we had the good fortune to see 18 middle school members, some counselors and two adult teachers from the Western Reserve Academy in Hudson. […]

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Saying farewell to our founder….

How do you say good-bye to someone who breathed life into a dream, and that dream became the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum? How do we say “Isten Veled Ottó”, when what we really want to say is “wish you were still here”?  Our beloved founder, Otto Friedrich, passed away this year on February 13th, on […]

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Havas Judit - Az ötvenes évek költői


A Clevelandi Magyar Múzeum szeretettel hívja és várja önt és családját Irodalmi délutánjára: Mire: Vannak vidékek…. Kányádi Sándor verseiből és műfordításaiból előad Havas Judit előadóművésznő és irodalomtörténész. Mikor: 2023. november 11-én 2 órai kezdettel Hol: Galleria at Erieview, 1301 E 9th St., Cleveland, OH 44114 Havas Judit Artisjus-díjas, a Magyar Rádió Nívó-díjas, Magyar Köztársasági Érdemrend […]

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3rd program in Lecture Series examines Hungarian and Polish democratic revolutions.

Please join us at the Cleveland Hungarian Museum on Saturday, April 15th, for the 3rd program in our 2023 Spring Lecture Series! “Democratic revolutions in Authoritarian States: Analysis of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the 1980 Polish Solidarity Movement”, Presented by Marcin Zgiep. Modern democracy is a Western (American, British or French) ideal which is […]

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Children’s program was truly a gift of culture!!

The last program of the 2022 Fall Lecture Series was held at the Museum on Saturday, December 10th, with 29 children participating. Their parents and/or their grandparents came along, and  all of them were looking forward to visiting with Mikulás Bácsi. While the children waited for the good bishop to arrive, they had the opportunity to participate […]

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