Mikulás Bácsi visited the Hungarian Museum at the Galleria on a December Saturday afternoon, and to the delight of 27 children, he passed out treats all the while talking with each one, asking them their name and encouraging them to talk about themselves a bit.
Before Mikulás Bácsi arrived for his visit, the children saw a traditional Hungarian Nativity Play from the Bakony region performed by members of Hungarian Boy Scout Troop 14.
Part of the program was focused on Hungarian geography. The children had fun learning about famous places in Hungary, as well as practicing their Hungarian geography vocabulary. Card games and floor maps and scrabble letters made learning fun!
No Children’s Program at the Museum would be complete without Hungarian themed crafts and the decorating of Hungarian honey cookies (mézeskalács)!
All of us agreed that the afternoon was a great success, and that the children and the adults had fun. This community of Hungarian American children celebrating their heritage is growing!
See you next year on the second Saturday of December, 2015!
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