On Saturday afternoon, December 13, at 2 o’clock, the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum will welcome children between the ages of 4 and 9 to our annual Children’s Program.
This year our theme is Hungary’s geography: give the youngsters in your family a chance to play with maps, learn about Hungary’s rivers, lakes and cities, decorate traditional Christmas cookies and create Hungarian crafts. Mikulás Bácsi (St. Nicholas) and the Betlehemezők (Nativity Players) will also stop by. Older and younger siblings are also welcome, they will have something to do and learn too. We will meet downstairs in the Galleria, in the Erieview Room, next to the future new home of the Museum.
Call Andrea Meszaros for more information and to reserve a spot for the young person in your life: 440-247-5144. Parking is available in the Galleria parking garage. Fee for the program is $5 per child. Hungarian holiday gift items will also be available for sale. See you soon!
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