The Council saw the importance of extending the citizenship to the Diaspora to make the country whole through citizenship. The Museum played a part in this by hosting Dr. Csaba Hende, Head of the Hungarian Department of Defense on May 24, 2013. During his visit, 17 people became Hungarian citizens.
The KCS program sends interns into the Diaspora to aid the Hungarian communities with the preservation of various levels of Hungarian culture, including language, scouting, literature, and to foster the American Hungarian organizations’ ties to the motherland. This program aims to preserve the Hungarian person as a national.
This program took inventory of the items belonging to the various organizations. The CHHS also sent in an inventory of its physical holdings. This program aims to preserve the physical holdings of the Hungarian national in the Diaspora.
This program’s aim is to nurture and strengthen the Hungarian identity of youth in the Diaspora. It invites young Hungarians from abroad to Hungary for participation in Hungarian culture and everyday life. This is manifested by a two week trip to Hungary.
This program aims to receive books, manuscripts, documentation of societies, etc. to return those items to Hungary proper after a determination as to their value to the homeland.
The Museum introduced the above programs within the framework of its 2013-2014 Lecture Series. It also worked to provide a container, on the grounds of St. Emeric’s, into which Hungarians could donate to the Mikes Kelemen Program from May till September 2014.
Another unique situation created by Hungary is the Hungary Initiatives Foundation. This Foundation hopes to financially and /or organizationally assist Hungarian-American organizations which fit the Foundation’s criteria. It was established to help strengthen the ties between the Hungarian-American organizations in the U.S. and Hungary; to support those organizations which offer programming in the arts, education, culture and research; to create long-term organizations through activities of the people. We applied and received a grant to assist in the development of a new web-site: