1956 Hungarian Revolution Exhibition


From October 7 – To February 24, 2007 (extended)


56-on-tank“Spirit of Freedom 1956” – “Az 1956-os Forradalom Ötvenedik Évfordulója”

TIMES through February 14: Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays: 11 AM.-3 PM, Fridays: 11 AM-5 PM;

At the Museum located in the Galleria at Erieview at E. 9th Street & Lakeside Ave. in downtown Cleveland, free parking in underground garage on Saturdays; phone (216) 523-3900 or phone/fax (440) 442-3466, or e-mail: magyarmuzeum@hotmail.com; Free, but donations welcome.


(English Invitation below:)

(Magyar meghivó)

OPENING RECEPTION was held Saturday, October 7.

MORE on now past SATURDAY RECEPTION: Special Guest speaker: Mrs. Edith K. Lauer, Chair Emerita of the Hungarian American Coation & witness to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, introduced the newly released book: 56 STORIES: Personal Recollections of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, A Hungarian American Perspective; Presenting excerpts from their own stories included in the book were Cleveland eyewitnesses to the Revolution László Böjtös, John Körössy, Andrea Lázár, Tibor Ország, Thomas Rátoni Nagy, and Martha & Kathy Takács

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(Photos courtesy of Kriszta Lauer)

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