Centennial Exhibition Opening was held on: Saturday, April 14, 2007 at the Museum
Additional information on Domján, additional exhibits:
Dennos Museum: dennosmuseum.org
Domján books & posters are still available at our Gift Shoppe. There are sevaral books & prints available for sale. This exhibit was a truly unique exhibit.
A világhírré szert tett kíváló magyar mûvész, Domján József múnkáját mutatjuk be egy új kiállítás keretében, amely a Múzeum teljes területét foglalja magában. A kiállítás tartama ápr. 14-tõl július 28.ig. Több eredeti példány megvételére is lesz lehetõség. Parkolás a Galléria földalatti garázsában; adományt kõszõnettel veszünk.
József Domján
Born in Budapest in 1907, Jozsef Domján spent his early years as an engine fitter and foundry worker. During the Depression he toured several European countries on foot, covering 10,000 miles and earning his way by selling paintings and sketches. Upon his return to Hungary, he studied seven years at the Budapest Academy of Arts. In 1956 he moved to Switzerland, to the United States in 1957 and became an American citizen.
Domján’s inspiration for his woodcuts comes from the folklore of his native Hungary and his love of nature. His woodcuts are most noted for their intricate design, subtle coloring and deep rich texture. His distinctly abstract images evolve through the use of a live model, coupled with his knowledge of anatomy and ideas from his own imagination.
Domján’s works are highly imaginative, richly textured, and brilliantly colored and are in the collections of major museums and private collectors around the world. One of the most imporant color woodut artists in the Twentieth Century, he received the title “Master of the Color Woodcut,” an honor given in China only once in a century.
The Centennial Exhibition of the works of Domján include Aubusson tapestries; color and black and white woodcut prints; woodblocks; oil paintings; publications from the collections of the Domján Studios in Tuxedo Park, New York; the Dennos Museum Center in Traverse City, Michigan; as well as private collectors.
Many original works will be offered for sale.
Open to the public during Museum open hours (see above for times and location information), admission free, donations gratefully accepted.
As a young artist, Domján gained international recognition for developing a unique style in color woodcut art. His artistic excellence was recognized by China where he spent six months on a lecture tour and received the “Master of the Color Wooodcut” award, a recognition, which is handed out once every one hundred years. After the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 he emigrated to the West with his family and eventually settled in New York. Domján became a celebrated artist with over five hundred exhibitions on four continents. His color woodcut prints are on display in major museums in the United States, Japan, and Europe. He elevated the visual aspects of Hungarian folk art to a universally appreciated and understood form of art. Domján’s art is being rediscovered by a new generation in Hungary.
Domján már fiatal muvészként is nemzetközi elismertséget szerzett egyéni stílusa miatt. Kiváló muvészi tehetségét egy féléves kínai eloadó korútja során is elismerték, amikor megkapta a “színes fametszés mestere” kitüntetést, amelyet csak százévente egy alkalommal adományoznak az arra jogosultnak. Az 1956-os forradalom után a családjával nyugatra emigrált és végül New Yorkban telepedtek le. Domján ünnepelt muvész lett, muveit négy kontinens több mint ötszáz kiállításán mutatták be. Színes fametszetei jelentos múzeumok tárlatain láthatók szerte az Egyesült Államokban, Japánban és Európában. A magyar népmuvészet képi világát egy világszerte értékelt és értheto muvészi szintre emelte. Domján muvészetét ma Magyarországon egy új generáció ismét felfedezte.
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