Archive | Events

Szabo Lilla

Dr. Lilla Szabó’s lecture

The Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society was pleased to have Dr. Lilla Szabó May 14th at 7 p.m. This English-language lecture addressed the issue of cultural politics and how the political climate in Hungary influenced what art was promoted and neglected. For those of us who have been to the National Gallery in Budapest, we know […]

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A Lecture about “AFGHANISTAN”

LECTURE – in ENGLISH – Saturday, February 9. 2008 The Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society cordially invited everyone to a presentation in English by Edward Altmann, architect, archaeologist, soldier, world traveler, entitled: “AFGHANISTAN” a personal view, as seen by a Hungarian born, Cleveland raised entrepreneur who has worked and lived in the Muslim world for the […]

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Cleve city hall

Hungarian exhibit at Cleveland City Hall

The Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum joined 5 other nationalities with an exhibit at Cleveland City Hall throughout November. 2007. Address: 601 Lakeside Ave. in downtown Cleveland. WHEN – The Rotunda was open to the public. On November 19th, Monday, from 5:30 – 6:30 there was an hour long program in the Rotunda at City Hall, […]

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St. Stephen’s Day

St. Stephen’s Day – Szent István napi megemlékezés Saturday, August 18, 2007 w/ guest speakers (Magyarul – in Hungarian) Program / Mûsor Megnyitó ima: Nt. Tamásy Zoltán Emlékezés Szent Istvánról: Lendvai-Lintner Imre, a KMCsSz elnöke Zenei program: Kis Magyar Kórus Ünnepi szónok: Bozóki Antal, nemzetközi jogász, délvidéki publicista: “Magyarok a Vajdságban” Verscsokor Hargitai István elõadásában […]

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St. Stephen’s Day – 2006

The Museum presented on Saturday, August 19, 2006 a program commemorating: ST. STEPHEN’S DAY – SZENT ISTVÁN NAPI MEGEMLÉKEZÉS with guest speaker (in Hungarian/Magyarul) DR. SÁNDOR SZAKÁLY, Historian and writer, chief librarian of the National Archives of Hungary, and a musical program by the SZIKRA – HUNGARIAN ZITHER ENSEMBLE from DETROIT

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Delegation from Cleveland Returns from Karcag, Hungary, after Honoring Michael Kovats de Fabricy, an American Revolutionary War Hero Born in Hungary

Press release below – English version – magyar version follows Contact: Theodore J. Horvath Phone and Fax: 216-751-7879 E-Mail: Cleveland, Ohio. On May 11, 2004, a delegation of the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society (CHHS) presented a statue of Colonel Commandant Michael Kovats (pronounced “Kovach”), an American Revolutionary War hero, to the citizens of his […]

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His Excellency András Simonyi, visits the Museum.

His Excellency András Simonyi, Ambassador from the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary,Washington, DC, visits the Museum. (March 25, 2003):  Mr. August B. Pust, Ph.D., Commission Member, United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, Washington. DC, presents the Ambassador with a preliminary draft of the monograph researched and written by a Museum […]

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