Museum hosts Cleveland Hungarians to discuss Diaspora Programs

On the evening of March 25th, 2015, the Hungarian Heritage Museum hosted members of the Cleveland Hungarian community at a presentation on the available Diaspora programs that are designed to help the Hungarian communities outside of the homeland retain their Hungarian identities. Edith Lauer summarized the history behind the formation of this critical component of Hungarian foreign and domestic policy, and Eva Szabó described which programs have come to the Cleveland area, and what their impact has been. Then the discussion centered on how members of our Hungarian American community in Cleveland could benefit from the Kőrössy Csoma Sándor program, which will bring a young  Hungarian intern to the Cleveland area for the third time, in September. Member organizations whose representatives were in attendance were encouraged to think of ways they could use the resources offered by the KCsP. László Böjtös, Honorary Consul of Hungary to Cleveland, described the relationship-building aspects of the various Diaspora programs, and how the visits by interns have changed the Hungarian homeland’s perspective of what the Hungarian American communities are like, what their activities entail, and how they aspire to retain their Hungarian identity. All Hungarian organizations are urged to let Eva know when and how they would propose to work with the intern within their organizations. Since the Museum acts as the mentor for the intern while he is here in our area, organizations are asked to communicate their desires to work with an intern to Eva Szabó, President.

Presentation on the Hungarian Diaspora, and the programs that affect our Cleveland area Hungarian American community.

Part of the audience at the presentation on the Hungarian Diaspora, and the programs that affect our Cleveland area Hungarian American community.

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