Exhibit: DISCOVER HUNGARY… more than you imagine!
Come and Discover Hungary!
Rich in culture and history, music and art, world-famous for its cuisine, unparalleled in its hospitality. The multi-media exhibit highlights the many wonderful things Hungary has to offer visitors from its rich architecture in its capital city, Budapest, to the charming picturesque villages, from its breath-taking mountain regions, its caves and natural wonders in its national parks to the internationally important ecologically protected environments, from its vast plains to the Lake Balaton Region. And then there are castles and wineries, thermal baths and water parks – everything from carefree leisurely activities to exhilarating challenges. Come discover why this small country is a European vacationer’s favorite destination.
Discover Hungary without leaving Cleveland, come in and experience this remarkable country!
The exhibit Discover Hungary will be at the Museum from July through October 2017 .
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