New Exhibit Opening was well-received!

On Saturday afternoon, May 19th, the Museum hosted the opening of its newest exhibit, Hungarian American Contributions to Science, Mathematics and Business. This exhibit is dedicated to the memory of John Lauer, whose suggestion that this topic be featured in an exhibit at our Museum was the inspiration for our curator, Andrew Lazar, to put together this well-researched material. The exhibit was funded in part by the Museum’s “Magyar Club of Cleveland Fund”, dedicated to the support of exhibits and programming at the Museum.

The exhibit features so many well-known names in science, math and business, names that are both familiar to those who work in these various disciplines, as well to the greater public. If you use your PC regularly and ponder “what makes it tick”, if you love fashion, if you value fine food, and if you wonder at what makes rockets fly, and whether numbers are truly infinite, then the people behind many of the answers to these questions are pictured on the walls of the Museum with biographical information about them. In this Magyar space in Cleveland, the faces of great minds, adventuresome personalities and people with a vision are assembled so that our visitors can truly come to admire the talent of so many of our fellow Hungarian Americans. The  interactive computer screens along the walls of the exhibit enrich the viewer’s experience, and the many medals and awards on display tell of many worthy achievements and accomplishments by these Hungarian Americans. What is truly remarkable, is that some of the featured personalities in the exhibit worked, or are currently working,  in our own backyard in Northeast Ohio! The exhibit will be at the Museum through February, 2019. Hope to see you soon!

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