WELCOME to our brand new website!

The launch of this newly revitalized website in July of 2014, is a very exciting time for us in our almost 30 year history. It has been a little over 16 years that we have entered the modern world with our initial website, our initial entry onto the worldwide web. Since that time our museum has undergone significant growth and in 2003 we moved into the Galleria in downtown Cleveland. Our visitors love the beautiful downtown location, and we plan to continue our presence here.

The past dozen years were good to us, and the Museum – with its expanded gift shop, a large library and an active programming schedule – became the meeting point for many important events and occasions within the Cleveland Hungarian Community.

Times are changing, and with our new expanded and modernized website we will be bringing our friends and supporters into closer proximity with us, offering a better visibility into our vast collection of artifacts, memorabilia and gift shop items so that they can become virtual museum visitors. We will be able to show you all our collections and new acquisitions, even if the great number of them do not permit us to display them all at the same time.

So come back to see us again here, and hopefully in our Museum as well.

One Response to WELCOME to our brand new website!

  1. Mary Renee Meyer February 19, 2015 at 4:18 pm #

    Sorry to jump in here, but I saw your message, and noticed the last name Farkas. That was my Grandmother’s maiden name. She came to Cleveland from Zemplen megye Lelesz, which is now in Slovakia. She married a Rigo from the same village. I am having much difficulty researching my Hungarian roots, and was wondering if there might be any information about Lelesz in the books that you are donating. I would truly appreciate your reply. Thank you, Mary

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