A grant that helped us pay some overhead!

We were honored to receive a grant in 2020 from the Bethen Gábor Alap, (Bethlen Gábor Fund).  This grant covered 8% of our annual rental costs and came at an opportune time during the current Covid pandemic.  As we know, successfully applying for grants that cover operation expenses such as rent and utilities is a challenge.  A majority of foundations support programming and similar expenses, but for many smaller non-profits such as our Museum, overhead expenses are necessary and must be covered. The Museum has done a commendable job in raising funds to provide a lovely space to showcase our collection and library and host a variety of events. We are fortunate that the Bethen Gábor Alap designated our Museum as one of many Hungarian-American organizations in Northeast Ohio that were supported with a grant in 2020. In the past, the Bethlen Gábor Alap has provided us with funds to cover the cost of computer programs that enhance our exhibits with interactive programming. Visitors can enrich their experience when viewing our exhibits by using the computers available throughout the Museum. As a cultural institution in the Hungarian Diaspora, we strive to share our  Hungarian culture with the greater community and to help Hungarian Americans nurture their Hungarian identity.

Köszönjük a Bethlen Gábor Alapnak támogatását!





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