The Ohio Light Opera in Wooster, Ohio is a favorite destination for members of the Cleveland Hungarian- American community. This year we traveled to see the The Little King, a long lost operetta by Imre Kálmán. This piece had not been performed in 90 years, and the Ohio Light Opera was proud to be on the cutting edge in featuring this operetta as part of its 2014 season. Our guests had a comfortable bus ride down to Wooster, with a light lunch on the bus. Upon arrival, we heard a very informative talk on this little known Kálmán piece by Dr. Michael Miller, and after the performance, we enjoyed some wine and snacks on the trip back to Cleveland. Dinner at the Balaton Restaurant and a fun raffle topped the day off. Arriving at the West Side Market parking lot just when the thunder storm was at its height, everyone managed to get to their cars and drive home safely. We hope to repeat this summer excursion to Wooster again, it has become a favorite program for many operetta lovers.
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