It is part of the Heritage Society’s mission to engage the public in sharing our culture, history and Museum collection. To this end, we often says “yes” to an invitation to participate in a larger event by hosting a display table. We were pleased by the affirmative response of eight of our volunteers who offered to man our display table and greet visitors at this year’s Cleveland Home and Garden Show at the IX Center. This large venue proved to be a wonderful opportunity to showcase Hungarian artifacts, folk costumes, and historical material. Our Museum was one of four members of the Northeastern Ohio Inter-Museum Council who participated in this endeavor over five days. Our volunteers noted that our display was very well received!
Irén Gyékényesi helped choose the items that were on display at the Museum’s table, and our volunteers spent time talking with folks who stopped by, answering their questions and pointing out items and photos that might be of interest. This type of outreach is critical to successfully sharing our culture and history with our community, and is just one more example of how we serve as the “heartbeat of Hungarian culture in Northeast Ohio”!
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