On October 9th, we gathered at the Museum, and through the wonderful world of technology, we were able to listen to a program by Dr. Judit Havas, in which she introduced a world of poetry that is very specific to the history of Hungary during some of the most difficult times under Communism. We listened to poems from various poets who lived and wrote during these years, and learned about their lives, their backgrounds, and their achievements. Dr. Havas was able to highlight some of the challenges faced by many of these poets, whose talents and artistic skills were at times silenced, or relegated to tasks that did not adequately utilize the tremendous talent these poets had to offer. She enriched our experience with her beautiful dramatic recitation of poems that spoke to us of human experiences and hopes and desires that are universal, and therefore relevant to our lives here on the shores of Lake Erie. This Hungarian language presentation is made available for your enjoyment through the YouTube video below.
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