Hungarian Folklore: An Intergenerational Series


The hunt of the White Stag, from the Chronicon Pictum, 1360

Experiencing Hungarian Folklore!!! Through this interactive series, we leaned the meaning and cultural value that folklore has in the Hungarian community. At each session, we reviewed the most widely known and best loved Hungarian legends, fables, and folk stories.

In addition, we offered activities and entertainment for our younger participants. Concurrently, we hosted focus group interviews with adults to learn about when-where-how each participant had heard about these folk stories and whether it was known to them in their youth. These interviews were audio-tape recorded and became part of our oral history to be preserved on the CHHS website.

All are invited to attend. The lectures were held at the Hungarian Heritage Museum, The Galleria, Downtown, Cleveland. IN ENGLISH!

November 10 , 2007 “Legends of Hungary’s Origins”

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January 12, 2008 “Kings and Queens in Hungary’s Folklore”

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March 15, 2008 (postponed from March 8, due to severe weather) “Saints and Sinners”

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April 12, 2008 “Tall Tales”

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May 10 . 2008 “Best Loved Stories and Sayings about Mother”

Join us for a wonderful afternoon to celebrate Mother’s Day!
Special activities will be introduced to help Mothers, daughters and granddaughters celebrate together!!!

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irta Petöfi Sándor
Egész uton – hazafelé –
Azon gondolkodám:
Miként fogom szólítani
Rég nem látott anyám?

Mit mondok majd eloször is
Kedvest, szépet neki?
Midon, mely bölcsom ringatá,
A kart terjeszti ki.

S jutott eszembe számtalan
Szebbnél-szebb gondolat,
Mig állni látszék az ido,
Bár a szekér szaladt.

S a kis szobába toppanék…
Röpult felém anyám…
S én csüggtem ajkán… szótlanúl…
Mint a gyümölcs a fán.

Dunavecse, 1844. április

One Response to Hungarian Folklore: An Intergenerational Series

  1. Mike Egorow May 9, 2020 at 12:43 pm #


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