Dr. Zsolt Hetesy from the Hungarian Embassy was back to give us an update on the EU parliamentary elections that were held last spring,
and how the results of the elections impact Hungary.
Going from from one set of data to another on his Prezi presentation,
Dr. Hetesy explained how some of the new positions and issues that the EU will address have the potential of positively impacting Hungary,
and he discussed the role of Hungary in the election itself.
Dr. Hetesy was able to help us further understand the complexities of the EU system and how they impact member nations,
and he also touched on some of the questions that the EU will be addressing such as the possibility of adding new member nations from the western Balkans.
The audience was thoroughly engaged,
and the Q and A portion of the program included lively discussions of all types of issues regarding Hungary in general and not just her membership in the EU.
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