Museum committee prepares for the Vintner Dinner

The Museum’s Vintner Committee has been busy preparing for the Annual Vintner Dinner, the main fundraising event for our Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society and Museum. The wines have been picked ! The menu has been chosen! The musicians have been hired, and the wonderful raffle items are trickling in… So—–

Please join us on Saturday evening, October 20, at 6 o’clock at the Canterbury Golf Club,

For a wonderful evening of fine Hungarian wines, great food and music, and good company!

We will feature wines from some of the best boutique wineries in Hungary, including wines from the Mátra region and Tokay, among others. These family owned vineyards lovingly cultivated for generations by families who produce delicious wines have been the focus of our past dinners. Many vineyards are a few acres only, and the grapes are hand picked just at the moment when they promise to produce great wines for the master wine-maker.

It’s a well known adage among wine experts, that one should just trust one’s taste buds, that not all wines “sit the same way” with all tasters, and that our preferences do differ. But it is acknowledged that everyone who attends our dinner will go home with having tasted a few wines that evening that they do like- very much! There will be five wines paired with our appetizers, salad course, main meal and dessert…a complete feast for our sense of taste. In addition to the ambiance created by the music of Harmonia, we will also have a talented pianist entertaining us during the reception hour. With five good wines to taste, the evening promises to be delightful and memorable!

Please turn to Hajnal Kezdi with questions, ticket purchases, reservations, at 216-476-9939.

Hope to see you! A viszontlátásig!

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