Museum program highlights the life and accomplishments of Paul Erdős and others.

In conjunction with the opening of our new exhibit entitled American Hungarian Contributions to Science, Mathematics and Business, members and guests of the Museum enjoyed a truly informative lecture by Mr. Zsolt Dömötörffy, who is himself a mathematician, and who was able to share with his audience many aspects of the world of numbers, symbols and formulas. In particular, he focused on three Hungarians who made a tremendous impact on mathematics: the 19th century mathematician János Bolyai,  and then the Hungarian American John von Neumann and of course, Paul Erdős, the focus of the presentation.  Mr. Dömötörffy’s humorous style, numerous well-researched anecdotes, and wide knowledge of his subject matter proved to be a wonderful combination of facts and personal insight. He was able to engage his audience in conversation, and the comments and questions continued one-on-one even after his presentation.



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