Early in the morning of September 6, 2015, the Hungarian community was honored by a group of Hungarian elites: László Kövér, President of the Hungarian Parliament,; László Veress, head of the Presidential Secretariat; Jenő Szász, President of the Hungarian Strategic Planning Commission; Péter Sárdi, Dept of Foreign Affairs; András Virág, Assistant to the head of the Presidential Secretariat; Zoltán Szilágyi, Press; László Tóth, head of the Guard Unit in Parliament; and Andrea Rohály, translator.
The group convened at the Mindszenty Statue and 1956 Memorial on Lakeside Avenue in downtown Cleveland. Ferenc Kumin, Consul General in N.Y., and Dr. Imre Szakács, Consul for the Diaspóra, officially received the Hungarian delegation. Hungarian Museum President, Eva Szabo, started the commemoration with an introduction of the aforementioned individuals and requested them to continue with the ceremony. Mr. Kövér, General Consul Kumin, and Consul Szakács laid a wreath by the Memorial and said a few words of acknowledgement. Our local Honorary Consul, László Böjtös was there to receive and greet them also as were members of various Scouts’ groups and of the Hungarian community.
From the Memorial, the dignitaries drove to the Galleria where they visited the Hungarian Museum. They were formally received by President Eva Szabo of the Museum. She showed them the Gift Shop upon entry and directed them inward to the Székely Kapu (gate) where Curator Andrew Lazar proceeded to give them a tour of the exhibits, of the Library and ancillary rooms.
Afterwards, they were treated to some refreshments and morning cakes. At this time, Mr. László Kövér chose to address the audience, which included all of the above and members of the Hungarian community. Mr. Kövér presented the Museum with a Hungarian flag which flew over Parliament. It was folded and presented in a fine wooden box. He also presented a model of the Memorial built at the entry of Arpad at the Verecke Pass.
The delegation was enthralled by the Museum and was enthusiastically very congratulatory. It was especially thrilling to hear how they expounded on the treasures that we safe keep and show to the public, and for the artfully decorated Gift Shop and exhibit area. The next stop was the Hungarian Cultural Garden and then the Kossuth Statue by Chester and MLK intersections. The day ended with a visit to the Scout Festival in Parma.
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