We explored Nirvana on March 11th

We had a great turnout for Dr. János Nádas’s presentation on the subject of Nirvana. Dr. Nádas is the President of the Hungarian Association, a Cleveland-based Hungarian cultural organization that sponsors an annual Congress  which provides a forum for discussion of issues that impact Hungarian Americans. Most of our guests are familiar with his work within the Hungarian Association, and they came to listen to a topic that was a bit outside the traditional topics we feature in the Museum Lecture Series. They were joined by guests whose attention was caught by a subject-matter that interests so many people. Our audience listened attentively to a very complex and fascinating presentation, and afterward the questions just kept coming. The group was engaged!

Thank you Dr. János Nádas for a thought-provoking talk that had people discussing their thoughts and opinions afterward throughout the Museum, including around the refreshment table. 


One Response to We explored Nirvana on March 11th

  1. Maria March 21, 2023 at 10:44 am #

    I wish I could have attended!!!

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