What a wonderful evening supporting the mission of the Hungarian Museum!!!

Friday evening, October 11, was a wonderful evening for those who attended the Vintner Dinner. The Vintner Dinner is the primary fundraising event for our Museum, and it has become the primary opportunity to taste fine Hungarian wines that are not available in the wine stores around the Cleveland area.

Our Honoree this year was Mr. George Pogan, who has served our Hungarian community in many ways. George was instrumental in having Hungarian Night included on the schedule of the Chagrin Documentary Film Fest. Every year our community has the opportunity to see quality documentary films created and directed by talented Hungarian film makers. Our Vintner Dinner was well-attended, the dinner provided by St. Michael’s Woodside Event Center was delicious, the music provided by Harmonia was a treat for our ears, and our MC was his usual gracious and humorous self! But most importantly, our guests were having a wonderful time and lavished us with their support for our raffle, and applause for our wines. We hope to repeat this successful event next year. Stay tuned!!

Mr. George Pogan


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