A look at how the EU Parliament addresses minority rights.

April’s program offers a unique perspective on the workings of the EU Parliament. Many Hungarians living in the Diaspora know about the challenges faced by Hungarians living in minority status in the Carpathian Basin. This lecture will give us the opportunity to learn how the EU Parliament attempts to address the tension between minority rights and majority policies.

So we invite you to join us for our next program:

Title:   Advocating for Minority Rights in the European Parliament
Speaker:    Ágota Dorottya Demeter, Adviser in the European Parliament, and  Secretary of the Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages.

Date:  Saturday, April 10, 2021 starting at 2 pm EST

Ms. Demeter’s field of expertise is human rights with special regard to the rights of persons belonging to traditional national and linguistic minorities in the European Union. She serves as Secretary of the Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages of the European Parliament, which is the only official forum on the level of the European Union where matters related to traditional national and linguistic minorities can be presented and discussed. She will discuss her work focusing on the achievements and priorities of the Minority Intergroup.  She will describe the Minority Safepack Initiative, its purpose, goals and results, and future possibilities related to this European Citizens’ Initiative.

This presentation on Minority Rights in the EU Parliament will be in English, and we invite you to join us on Zoom for this unique program!

Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Save the Date!

Our program on May 8th is the last of our Spring Lecture Series, and will feature the world of Hungarian folktales. This program will be in Hungarian.

A Májusi programnak témája a Magyar népmése!

A Hungarikum Bizottság úgy döntött, hogy a Magyar népmese filmsorozat nemzeti érték, és így hungarikummá nyilvánították.

A Magyar népmesének szépségét fogjuk a Májusi programunk keretén belül bemutatni.

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