“Hol volt, hol nem volt,…once upon a time”… You can view this Hungarian language program that focused on the world of Hungarian folktales. It was held via Zoom on Saturday, May 8th, in celebration of the animated series of Hungarian folktales that were recently designated as a Hungarian cultural treasure (Hungarikum).
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A look at how the EU Parliament addresses minority rights.
April’s program offers a unique perspective on the workings of the EU Parliament. Many Hungarians living in the Diaspora know about the challenges faced by Hungarians living in minority status in the Carpathian Basin. This lecture will give us the opportunity to learn how the EU Parliament attempts to address the tension between minority rights […]
The Hungarian Ambassador will be our speaker on March 13th!
We are honored to present as our speaker for our next program, His Excellency Ambassador Szabolcs Takács, Hungary’s New Ambassador to the United States, at 2 o’clock, Saturday, March 13th. The title of his presentation is, An Overview of Hungarian American Relations This year, 2021, marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations […]
February’s program: Celebrating Franz Lehár
Please join us on Saturday, February 13th, at 2 o’clock, for the first program in our Spring 2021 Lecture Series, “Celebrating Franz Lehár” Presented by Mrs. Andrea Lázár, hostess of WCPN Kapossy Hungarian Radio Hour Franz Lehár is widely considered the leading operetta composer of the 20th century. His operettas included lush melodies, drama, light-hearted […]
A grant that helped us pay some overhead!
We were honored to receive a grant in 2020 from the Bethen Gábor Alap, (Bethlen Gábor Fund). This grant covered 8% of our annual rental costs and came at an opportune time during the current Covid pandemic. As we know, successfully applying for grants that cover operation expenses such as rent and utilities is a […]
December 12th program featured thoughtful young authors!
On Saturday afternoon, December 12th, our two young essay contest winners read their essays to our audience, who were virtually present for this last program in our series on the Treaty Of Trianon. You can read their essays below. Tesza Csajka is a sixth grader, whose Hungarian father was born and raised in Kassa, Slovakia […]
Coffee, Tea, Essays and Chat featured in December’s Program
To close the lecture series on Trianon, we have invited two first prize winners of essays written by young people [one in grade school and the other in high school] describing what it means to nurture their Hungarian heritage in the Diaspora. These essays are thoughtful reflections on the topic of living in the Diaspora, […]
November’s Trianon Program will feature contemporary personal stories
The Museum announces Part III of our program series on the Treaty Of Trianon Join us on Saturday, November 14 at 2 pm. “Reverberations a century later.” This presentation will feature personal narratives of four young adults who live in minority status in four countries in the detached regions surrounding Hungary. They will describe in […]
Part II in our Trianon Series
The Cleveland Hungarian Museum invites you to join us on Saturday, October 10th at 2 p.m. for Part II of our Series on the the Treaty of Trianon, Presented by Professor Dr. András Ludányi Professor András Ludányi will provide specific details on the Treaty itself; he will summarize the devastating demographic, cultural, economic and political […]
Our first program of Fall 2020 will be on September 12th!
Join us on Saturday, September 12 at 2 pm for our first program of the season! The Treaty of Trianon, a perspective a century later, presented by Mr. István Hegedüs. After the four-year long murderous First World War between the Entente and the Central Powers, the victors convened in Versailles to decide the fate of […]