George Kozmon at the Museum

Saturday, May 14, was the Museum’s last program in our 2022 Spring lecture series. It featured well-known artist George Kozmon, who presented a thoughtful review of the 25 pieces of fine art on temporary exhibit in the Museum. These pieces are part of the Museum’s permanent collection, and they were beautifully presented by George, as he explained the techniques used by the various artists (from lithographs, to etchings, and oil paintings). He touched on the style, subject matter and mediums used by the various Hungarian artists, and it was so obvious to those sitting in the audience, that George is also a teacher (not to mention quite a humorous one), who has the patience and experience to deliver specialized material to a lay audience. The program was well-attended, which we were not surprised at, given George’s reputation not only as an artist, but also as a teacher and lecturer. We are proud to have him serving on our Board, and we are grateful for his generosity with his time and talent!

One Response to George Kozmon at the Museum

  1. DR.Karner Cecília August 30, 2022 at 11:43 am #

    Nagyapámnak 2 testvére élt Clevelandban: Póczik Mária és Póczik Rozália. 1910 környékén mentek ki Magyarországról Páliból. Keresem a családi kapcsolatot. Máriának (Takács) Olga és Helen lányai születtek, akinek Ricsörd és Kézal lányai születtek.

    Póczik Rozália (Boros) 3 lányt szült: Rozália (Hell), Gizella (Herbert), Irén. Gizellának Róbert fia és Loréta lánya született. Irénnek: Rita, Elenor, Azkin és Ricsörd gyermekei lettek.

    Régi levelekből tudom a fentieket, nagyapám dolgai között találtam.

    Nagyon szeretnék velük kapcsolatba lépni.

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