Our first program in the 2022 Fall series was a fascinating presentation by Cleveland State University Associate Professor, Dr. Emilia Jálics Rauschert. Her lecture on the topic of invasive plant species in Hungary and Northeast Ohio was geared toward an audience that was not conversant in this area of scientific research. Dr. Rauschert was able to convey her material through the effective use of photographs, graphs and data that helped explain to us what makes a plant species invasive, how we determine if that species causes harm, and what methods of controlling unwanted plants are used in Hungary as well as locally. What a surprise it was to those of us in the Midwest who see the vast fields of Golden Rod in full bloom this time of the year to learn that Golden Rod is considered an invasive species in Hungary. Using this particular plant as an example. Dr. Rauschert described how Hungarian land managers are attempting to control the spread of this plant in Hungary. She also described the nature of her research in Hungary, who her Hungarian scientist partners were, and currently what her areas of research at CSU are in relation to our local environment. Our Zoom audience was able to further tap into Dr. Rauschert’s vast knowledge when the program was opened up for questions and answers.
These Golden Rod plants that grow naturally in Northeast Ohio and Western New York, as well as elsewhere in North America, are considered an invasive plant species in Hungary.
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