Lecture at the Museum on the Reformation

Our November program in our 2017 lecture Series featured two very fine speakers, who with a compelling depth of knowledge, wit and clarity, were able to speak on a very complex topic- the cause and impact of the Reformation. This year marks the 500th anniversary that Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg castle church. The Rt. Rev. Louis Medgyesi, Bishop Emeritus of the Calvin Synod Conference and Pastor of the Hungarian reformed Church of Fairport Harbor began the program with an historical review of church history and trends leading up to the events of 1517 and how they impacted the world, along with examples in our own United Sates and also in Hungary.  Rev. Peter Toth, pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church of Lorain then discussed the  various theological ideas impacting the church today, and he mentioned various examples of where the ideas of the Reformation have influenced modern theology, philosophy, even psychiatry. He also highlighted some of the debates that are prominent among Christians today. The program was well-received by our audience, and we welcomed visitors who were new to the Museum, and were interested in this topic and how the Reformation impacted Hungary throughout its history, and how the Reformation spread in 16th century Hungary.

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