What has been going on at the Museum?

The end of June saw volunteers from the Museum attending the Lake Erie Captains Hungarian Heritage Night at the Ballpark festivities. We have contributed to this great fusion of the American past-time with Magyar culture by manning a face painting table…as the children come by, we decorate their cheeks and arms with Hungarian folk motifs as well as words in “rovás írás”, the ancient script of the Magyars. This gives us an opportunity to talk about our Museum and the work we do, and in turn, many people end up sharing with us their Hungarian heritage.

This past spring, two of our Board members attended the TRI-C nationalities festival and took with them many items to display and share with the students who came by during the program.We also get many visitors to our Museum from literally all over the world, and it is especially rewarding to host a visit from a summer camp group. We had the good fortune to welcome a group from Hathaway Brown School this June. We also welcomed a couple visiting Cleveland who spent years teaching at the American International School of Budapest.


Being open four days a week and on certain Saturdays serves us well; we are able to greet visitors who otherwise would not be able to see our Museum! This is how how our daily volunteers do so much to serve the local American Hungarian community!

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