Come and visit Hungary! Rich in culture and history, music and art, world-famous for its cuisine, unparalleled in its hospitality, Hungary and its many offerings will be highlighted in an exhibit including multi-visual presentations from films to photos to interactive media. Budapest, Hungary’s capital on the Danube, is famous for the grandeur and style of […]
Archive | News
May program brings the Hungarian Genealogy Society of Greater Cleveland to the Museum!
The Cleveland Hungarian Museum invites you to our May Program entitled “The Hungarian Genealogy Society of Greater Cleveland: Who We Are and How We Can Help You in Your Research” on Saturday, May 14th, at 2 pm. The Museum is located on the ground level of the Galleria at Erieview, in Downtown Cleveland.This program will focus on the world […]
April 9th program at the Hungarian Museum
Join us for a wonderful program celebrating Hungarian folk dancing on Saturday, April 9th at 2 0’clock. Richard Graber, founder of the Csárdás Dance Company, will speak of his experience with the company and how it served as a vehicle for preserving his Hungarian cultural heritage; the program will also feature a dance performance by the […]
Cultural outreach at the 2016 Cleveland Home and Garden Show
It is part of the Heritage Society’s mission to engage the public in sharing our culture, history and Museum collection. To this end, we often says “yes” to an invitation to participate in a larger event by hosting a display table. We were pleased by the affirmative response of eight of our volunteers who offered […]
February 13th program at the Museum
Hungarian Footprints in Portugal – by John Lauer The Surprising Story of Father Kondor in Fatima If you are interested in learning the fascinating story of Fr. Lajos Kondor, a Hungarian monk, three Portuguese shepherd children, and a certified miracle that took place in Fatima, Portugal, come hear John Lauer’s lecture. CSIKSOMLYO: the Pilgrimage site […]
Contemporary Art in the Digital World
This lecture, scheduled for January 23rd, will explore the various aspects of the intersection of contemporary art and the digital world, discussing artists, their work, the tools, and online platforms. The new accompanying exhibit is titled “Kozmon: Primal Topography”, by an internationally collected artist widely exhibited, critically acclaimed, and known for his monumental paintings. Awards […]
ÚJ KÖNYV KAPHATÓ A Magyar Múzeumban
A new book of interest for Hungarian readers for sale at The Hungarian Museum. Entitled: “…az írás megmarad” by Lajos Koncz. This book deals with the history of Hungarian boarding schools established by refugees (1945-1956) for their children in post WW2 Germany. Látván azt az érdeklődést amit Baloghné Judit júliusi könyvbemutatója – „School of a […]
Nineteenth annual Vintner Dinner
The Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society invites you to attend its Annual Vintner Dinner and fundraiser on Saturday, October 17. This unique event will feature delicious Hungarian cuisine and fine Hungarian wines coming from some of the best boutique wine-makers in Hungary! Our guests will also be treated to the wonderful music of Harmonia. The dinner […]
Isten Hozott! Welcome to our new home!
The afternoon was sunny and bright. The Galleria sparkled as it welcomed visitors to the Grand Opening of the Hungarian Heritage Museum. Inside the Museum members of the Board and volunteers were busy finishing their tasks preparing for the guests: plating Hungarian savory snacks, lining up champagne bottles, assembling touch screen computers, setting up chairs, […]
Celebrate a New Beginning, join us for a Grand Opening on April 11th!
April 11, 2015, is a special date on the Hungarian Heritage Museum’s calendar. Please join us for the Grand Opening of our new Museum space on the First Floor of the Galleria at Erieview in Downtown Cleveland. The festivities will begin at 3 p.m. with a ribbon cutting ceremony. A wonderful champagne reception will follow […]